Mục lục
1. Introduction
Ectropion caused by unsuccessful cosmetic surgeries and bell’s palsy is one of the conditions that does not only affect patient’s health and life quality, but also makes patients feel insecure with their appearances. Thread lift using American insoluble sutures is the top solution for these conditions, successfully helping more than 40.000 clients to gain back their beauty and improve the conditions mentioned above. The essence of the US insoluble thread lift technique is to form a network of threads, then the body’s collagen is stimulated and adheres to the network, boosting the rejuvenation process.
2. Efficacy
- Correct facial imperfections
- 15-25 years younger
- Only one procedure
- Life time result
3. Advantages
- Become 15 - 25 years younger without surgery
- Warranty lasts up to 30 years
- Dr.American with at least 12 years of experience will directly perform the procedure
- Painless and does not require resting time
- The one and only threadlift techniques using insoluble sutures in the world
- The sutures' materials are FDA approved and are compatible with the human body
- American procedures - American technology - American standards
- Safe with minimal risk of complications during the procedure
4. Before & After Results
5. Suitable candidates
6. Procedure
1. Consultants greet clients and explain in details about the technique
2. Dr.American directly consults, examines, discusses, and prescribe the suitable technique to each client
3. Prepare for the procedures based on American standards: antiseptic and anesthesia pump
4. Dr. American with at least 12 years of experience directly performs the procedures
5. Client goes to the aftercare room to apply cold compress
6. Consultants give out warranty card from 20 to 30 years based on each client
7. Client leaves with a satisfying result and legally protected warranty
The total time procedure duration is from 60 to 120 minutes.
7. Customer testimonials
Ms. Kim Sang (Vietnamese Australian) who had ectropion due to failed cosmetic surgery has flown to Vietnam to see Dr.Han in order to have it fix with thread lift. After the procedure, her ectropion condition has been completely resolved, she is very sastified with the result. Take a look at the video where Dr. Nguyen Cong Han gave the client consultation and solution, and see what is the result after the procedure.