To meet our customers’ needs, American Health & IBeauty will always bring forward the best services, with the purpose to branch out and be the top healthcare and beauty chain in the world. From now till 2028, AHIB will become the empire of Super Smart Business, concentrating on proactive healthcare management and beauty care with US advanced technology. With financial stability and a Dr. American team (with at least 12 years of experience, specializing in proactive healthcare and cosmetics), AHIB will be the leader of innovating advanced cosmetic techniques, bringing the best services and products to customers.

[AHIB] is the leading unit in proactive healthcare and cosmetics domestically and internationally. We are focusing on applying proactive health management and cosmetic techniques, using US state-of-the-art technology, with American standards – American products – American procedures. Our mission is to bring forward proactive health management and professional cosmetics, helping millions of domestic and international customers to have perfect health, and giving them motivation to be confident and successful in life.